20 de fevereiro de 2010

1º Torneio Circuito Maceió!

Hoje aconteceu o primeiro torneio do Circuito Maceió! Vamos todo mês tantar fazer um torneio para deixar as coisas mais competitivas! Tivemos oito pessoas hoje, pois os outros estavam com alguns problemas!

As informações como decklists, fotos e video da final amanhã!

Semi Final:

Ed X Filipe
1   X   2

Alan X Daniel
2      X    0


Filipe - Com o seu "Something Deck"


1x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Raiza the Storm Monarch
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Treeborn Frog
3x Mystic Tomato
1x Dark Resonator
1x Krebons
1x Sangan
1x Morphing Jar
1x Marshmallon
1x Summoner Monk
1x Mist Valley Soldier
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3x Masked Dragon
1x Armed Dragon LV5


1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
1x Book of Moon
2x Fissure
2x Soul Exchange
2x Creature Swap
1x Shrink
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Nobleman of Crossout


2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Sakuretsu Armor
2x Interdimensional Matter Transporter
1x Dust Tornado
1x Curse of Anubis

Extra Deck:

1x Stardust Dragon
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Psychic Lifetrancer
1x X-Saber UrbellumMonstros:

Alan - Com seu CyberDark Deck
(Já com dois Cyber Dragon!)

Ed - Com seu Synchro Monarch Deck 


3x Caius The Shadow Monarch
2x Raiza the Storm Moarch
2x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Prime Material Dragon
1x Cyber Dragon
2x D.D Warrior Lady
1x sangan
1x BW Gale of hurricane
2x Krebons
1x Morphing Jar
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Marshmallow
2x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Treeborn Frog


2x Book Of Moon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Swords of Revealing Light
2x Soul Exchange
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Brain Control
2x Shrink
1x giant trunade


2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of Haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Threatning Roar
3x Compulsory Evacuation Decvice

Extra Deck

2x Stardust Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Black Rose Dragon
2x Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth
2x Colossal Fighter
1x Avenging Knight Parshath
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Physic Lifetrancer
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Junk Warrior


A premiação foi em dinheiro, o dinheiro das inscrições!

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