20 de agosto de 2012

Decklists Campeãs - 27º Torneio Circuito Maceió

1º Tiago - T.G. Chaos Deck

1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Gorz The Emissary of the Darkness
1x Tragoedia
1x Honest
2x Effect Veiler
1x Battle Fader
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Cyber Valley
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Dimensional Alchimist
2x Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1x Photon Trasher
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
1x Junk Synchron
1x Genex Ally Birdman
1x Sangan
1x T.G. Warwolf
1x T.G. Striker
1x T.G. Rush Rhinus
1x Cyber Dragon
1x Blackwing - Gale of the Hurricane
1x Yasha

1x Pot of Duality
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Reinforcements of the Army
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mind Control
1x Book of Moon
2x Enemy Controller
1x Mystical Spece Typhoon

1x Treacherous Trap Hole

1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Formula Synchron
1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Gaia, the Knight of the Earth
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Mist Wurm

2º Diogo - Zombie Chaos Deck

2x Chaos Sorcerer
2x Dmensional Alchemist
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Caius The Shadow Monarch
2x Paladin Of The Cursed Dragon
1x Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
2x Tragoedia
1x Photon Thrasher
1x Honest
1x Dandylion
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Mezuki
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Debris Dragon
2x Zombie Master
2x Battle Fader
1x Goblin Zombie

1x Book Of Moon
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Allure Of Darkness
1x Heavy Storm
1x Foolish Burial
2x Enemy Controller
1x Mind Control
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot Of Avarice

1x Treacherous Trap Hole

Extra Deck
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Dark End Dragon
2x Gaia Knight, The Force Of Earth
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Orient Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia

3º Ed - Machina Gadget Deck

3x Machina Fortress
3x Machina Gearframe
2x Green Gadget
2x Yellow Gadget
2x Red Gadget
1x Machina Cannon
1x Genex Ally Birdman
1x Tragoedia
1x Gorz Emissary Of Darkness
3x Effect Veiler
1x D.D. Crow

1x Limiter Removal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mistical Space Typhoon
1x Mind Control
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Book of Moon
1x Forbidden Lance
3x Pot of Duality
1x Book of Moon

2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
2x Ultimate Offering

2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Genex Ally Triforce
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Magical Android
1x Mist Wurm
1x Gaia, the Knight of the Earth

4º Vaninho - Dark Control Deck

1x Armageddon knight
1x Caius The Shadow Monarch
2x Raiza The Storm Monarch
2x Prime material Dragon
1x Alector, Sovereign of birds
2x Battle fader
1x Sangan
1x gorz Emysary Of Darkness
1x Level eater
2x Destiny Hero Malicious
1x Dark nephthys
1x Snipe Hunter
1x treeborn Frog
2x Spirit Reaper
2x Dimensional Alchemist
1x Blackwing - Gale The whirlwing
1x Photon thrsher
1x Tragoedia
1x Dark Armed
1x The dark creator
1x Mystic Tomato

1x Allure Of darkness
1x Dark hole
1x Heavy storm
1x Monster reborn
2x Monster reincarnation
2x Enemy Controller
1x Bait doll
1x Burial from a different dimension
1x Foolish Burial
1x book Of Moon

1x Mirror Force
1x Return from a different Dimension
1x Magic Cylinder

Extra Deck:
1x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Hundred Eyes dragon
1x Temtempo The percussion Djinn

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